Two Vaudlow pre-orders online!
heir self titled debut album, initially released in 2019 and their upcoming new album titled A Language Unspoken. Both of them are co-released with...
Read moreheir self titled debut album, initially released in 2019 and their upcoming new album titled A Language Unspoken. Both of them are co-released with...
Read moreIf you ever looked up to the night sky (even just once) and wondered about the vastness of space then this album is for you. This record is for tho...
Read moreWe expanded our merch catalogue with some new goodies! Get a high quality cork slipmat or the first ever official dunk! beanie now!
We love what we do, so we decided to expand our vinyl pressing plant! Three years after we pressed our very first record we're happy to say that we now have (much) more space, more machines, more passionate staff and more orders than ever before! If you consider pressing your album on wax, feel free to reach out via dunkpressing.com! We'll gladly help!
In 2007 dunk!rock changed to dunk!festival, we moved to our previous location at the Bevegemse Vijvers and organised it as a two-day event until we added an extra festival day in 2011. For our tenth edition, in 2014, we set up the stages in the rural environments of Velzeke for our first outdoor edition making some changes to the festival site each consecutive year. We feel we have now reached the glass ceiling at this site and so after giving it some good thoughts we decided to organise our next edition on a new location… We are very stoked and happy to announce dunk!festival and Kunstencentrum Vooruit are joining forces to present dunk!festival in Ghent, Belgium from now on! We are truly grateful for the given opportunity to bring our festival to a concert hall with multiple stages and though it will be different from our current location you can still expect three days of post-pleasure in the beautiful venue 'De Vooruit'.
2021 is a festive year as we both celebrate the 10th anniversary as a label but also the one of our first release: Kokomo's 'If Wolves'. We have decided to re-release 10 titles of our catalogue on gold vinyl and revised album cover with gold foil layer: the X-series.
After years of working with big pressing plants we felt the need for a more custom product and the option to release limited runs in specific colors. Around that time new machines were being sold or developed and after doing some research we came to the conclusion the Newbilt equipment was perfect for our plan to release small runs in custom colors. The result is everything in this webshop that was released from 2018 until now.
After a difficult financial year in 2013, we had to ask our loyal audience for help through a (successfull) crowdfunding campaign to survive. In 2014 we decided to go for a fresh start and new approach. We moved the festival to an outdoor area where we had full control over the terrain and more time to prepare. To this day we're still using these terrains for our annual festival but also to house two studios, rehearsal spaces, the label headquarters and our pressing plant.
It all started with the questions from Kokomo if we wanted to start a label to release their upcoming album. And so we did. In the meantime we released over 100 titles in the course of 10 years, including three more Kokomo albums. And be sure there's a lot more to come!
In 2005 we organized the first edition of dunk!festival, which was called dunk!rock back then. There were only 3 local bands on the lineup (Green Itch, Hat Attach and Faraday's Inn). On the picture (by Bram Blondeel, also member of Faraday's Inn) you can see another local band (FEW) who played the 2007 edition, with members of Green Itch.